Employee Spotlight – John Jared Hendrix

Employee Spotlight – John Jared Hendrix

John Jared Hendrix, 45; But everyone calls me JJ

Where are you from? Washington State

What do you do at TWO? Lead Fitter, Dallas. Made 2 Fit installs TWO shades and shutters for our dealer partners. Chances are if your company uses Made 2 Fit in the Dallas area, I’m on the team, or supporting the team of fitters who will be putting the product in your customers’ homes.

What do you enjoy most about your job: Making people happy, I like to see people’s responses once their shutters are installed. The best thing I can hear is “This is so awesome!”

Tell us about an interesting project/installation that you recently work on: I enjoy seeing different areas of the city and have seen some really neat properties on various installs.

Nothing is more satisfying on the job than a perfection installation. The sign of perfection is every louver lining up perfectly. Below (left) is one of my best and more complicated (due to the number of panels) jobs when it comes to lining up louvers. Below (middle/right) are some beautiful homes we’ve installed in.

Tell us something interesting about yourself: I was a specialist in the United States Army; served with 2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne). I miss the camaraderie of my fellow rangers. My family has a proud tradition of joining the army, my father brother and I had the honor of serving at the same time.

I’m also an avid disc golfer and play in competitive tournaments regularly. I have seven aces (a hole in one).


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