Time flies consistently as an adult, there is so much to do and there seems to never be enough time in the day. So, how do we manage those smaller tasks that keep getting pushed to the bottom of the task list week after week? Power hour.
What is Power Hour?
Power hour is an intentionally scheduled time of the week to get all of the smaller tasks that you’ve been meaning to do just before the weekend hits.
Most of these tasks include replying to an email, reviewing documents, scheduling out meetings, or placing an order. These are the small tasks that can agitate the usual workflow during the week that is dedicated to higher priority tasks.
You’ll need to figure out if the task is actually one that can wait until your power hour, or if you can knock this out beforehand. It shouldn’t take more than a minute to determine.
After you determine that this task is one that you can do during power hour, you’ll want to move all of the documents and links needed for that task into a file. That way, you have quick and easy access to everything you need.
The benefit of grouping these tasks together is not only time saving, but it also improves the state of your business and clears space in your mind to focus. This is how you can keep low-priority tasks from causing unnecessary stress. After your first power hour, you should have more freedom to do other things. You’ll want to remember to schedule your power hour when you schedule your other major tasks out each week. When the time comes, make sure to move through your power hour task list with intention.
Source: https://issuu.com/wfvision/docs/mj_mc_vfinal_04122021_links