Deloitte’s State of the Consumer Tracker: The road to a global consumer recovery during COVID-19

Deloitte’s State of the Consumer Tracker: The road to a global consumer recovery during COVID-19

In the span of a few months, what started as a global health crisis has also morphed into an economic crisis. The world hasn’t seen these forces so intertwined since the 1918 flu epidemic. As economies around the world seek to reopen, Deloitte has researched the impact of the interplay between personal health and financial well-being on consumer behavior.

As small business owners, understanding when consumers will return to old behaviors can help give a better understanding on how to position your business for the time being. This research will also help if consumers do not return to old behaviors instead adapting to new ones considering the current climate. The Deloitte state of the consumer track

er surveys consumers across more than 10 countries to help establish the road to global consumer recovery.

View the Deloitte State of the Consumer Tracker here.



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