Employee Spotlight – Kristina Hernandez

Employee Spotlight – Kristina Hernandez

Kristina Hernandez, 30

Sonora, TX

Title: Creative Design Manager

What do you do at TWO?

My job is to make sure everything is consistent with the brand. I also set the aesthetic and the look and feel, which defines how we want to be perceived by our customers.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The variety, I get to work on different things all the time. From designing collateral, or getting to go on location to photo shoots, there is always something different happening.

Tell us about an interesting project that you recently worked on?

I did a photo shoot in Australia. We choose to shoot a few homes on the canals and by the beach, which is very different from Dallas, where we are completely landlocked.

I really enjoyed the Australian architecture and design it’s very clean and modern and it’s great to see this different way of integrating our product.

These are some of my favorite pictures from the shoot. We will be adding more photos to the photo galleries on the Dealer Center soon- be on the lookout as they will be available to you as well!

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

I have a degree in Finance, but quickly realized that the artistic side of the business was my calling. I’m also a concert junkie, attending shows and festivals all over the country. My absolute favorite venue is Red Rocks in Colorado. I grew up going to going to red dirt country concerts in a small town in West Texas, so my taste in music is very diverse.

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