5 Ways to Repel Summer Insects

5 Ways to Repel Summer Insects

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the warm weather and entertain outside. But nothing can ruin a good party like pesky insects. Follow these steps to keep the party going, bug free.

  1. Enclose your space with external shades.

    Our Shadesol external shades help keep bugs out of your patio by enclosing your space. The zip screen option is the most effective by closing off gaps around the openings of your space. Not only do these help block unwanted visitors they also provide shade from the sun and help block the wind.

  2. Plant herbs to help repel mosquitos and other pesky insects while adding design elements to your space.

    Fragrant herbs like lavender, basil, rosemary, and mint will help keep the bugs away and can also help you spice up your meals and drinks while you entertain bug free all summer long.

    Images by Amazon and Herbs at Home

  3. Light some candles!

    Citronella candles will give you the relief you need while giving your patio or deck some much-needed ambience.

    Shop these candles here

  4. Update your lighting.

    You can leave your lights on without attracting every insect around by simply swapping out your light bulbs. Traditional incandescent light bulbs are insect magnets. Warm colored LED lights that produce a warm color light are the best bulbs to stop attracting insects.

  5. Add a fan.

    Mosquitos are weak fliers so outdoor fans are an easy way to stop them from joining you in your patio space. These outdoor fans will also cool you down in the summer heat. It’s a win win!

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