Kick Off Your 2020 Goals with Free Business Courses From Google

Kick Off Your 2020 Goals with Free Business Courses From Google

Google Digital Garage

2020 is here and it’s time to focus on spending time ON your business instead of IN your business to set goals towards a successful year ahead.

Use your time wisely while your mind is fresh from Christmas break (if you were lucky to have some time off!) and spend some time furthering your skills and knowledge without spending a dollar!

That’s right, you can take a few short courses for FREE thanks to Google’s Digital Garage e-learning platform.

Digital Garage has over 125 courses to help you brush up on everything from small business through to digital marketing and even personal and professional development courses such as public speaking.

Free Certification:

Many of the courses offer free certifications. While these may not be officially recognized courses, they will provide you with up-to-date knowledge of business trends, opportunities and you should find some helpful tips to help you in growing and improving your own business.


Paid Certification:

Digital Garage has 40 courses available with paid certification.

Offered in partnership with Google, these providers (typically universities) offer you a paid certification course to validate the completion of your learning.

The paid certification courses come in a variety of content options as does the free courses, to suit your business needs, from software and technology through to customer relations and professional development.

Discover all the courses available in the Google Digital Garage.


“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin

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