Incorporating Arch Styles

Incorporating Arch Styles

Throughout history and across different design styles, arches have been incorporated into the architecture of many buildings and homes. Here is a refresh on some of the more traditional shutter styles for arches. However keep in mind that this is a custom built product. With your vision and our expertise, we are sure to find an arched shutter solution that will suite your customers’ needs.

The Arch

The most basic of arches and recognized as early as Roman times, with examples still standing in the Coliseum. Shutters with a full arch covering a single opening maintain a beautiful rounded aesthetic and allow for light wash from top to bottom of the space. These arches are often associated with Mediterranean, and Roman styles.

The Half Arch

A play on the basic arch, this option allows for two panels over a single arch, creating a different aesthetic that can be opened with smaller clearance on either side of the window.

The Eyebrow

An arch with an angle, sometimes called a continuous louvered arch. This arch offers a more structural aesthetic. Also, available in half eyebrow for spaces that are frequently opened. You might find this arch in Colonial, Italianate or Transitional style spaces.

The Sunburst

Seen more as accents above doors or in tall spaces, this shape employs a different louver installation method creating a sunburst effect when light spills through. An interesting place to add this style might be in an Art Deco or Shabby Chic space.

The Sunburst Eyebrow

This unique shutter offers a sunburst effect with an angular aesthetic. This shape of shutter is also typically an accent piece which you might see above doors, windows or lofted spaces. We see this shutter used in both modern and traditional interiors.


Other specialty shapes available: Rake, French Door Round, French Door Square, Circle, Octagon, Oval, Triangle.


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