Make working remotely work for you!

Make working remotely work for you!

Optimizing your business for remote working has never been easier with today’s technology. With ‘not-terrible-but-manages-ok’ internet speeds, phones, tablets, laptops, and easy to use/affordable digital suites of cloud-based software, you can run your business from anywhere.

If you’re faced with having to limit customer interaction at this moment, make sure your digital systems are supporting you so that you can focus on your customers.

Cloud CRM (Customer Relationship Management):

Manage your customers digitally with a cloud CRM. There’s a wealth of different platforms that offer solutions for small to medium businesses! Check out this list of platforms and test the free trials to see which one best fits your business needs.

By having your database of customers digitally available, you can not only store sales history and run sales data reports easily, but you can also utilize your digital database to build communications such as email marketing or company notifications.

Cloud Storage for Digital Files:

There are a number of online cloud storage sites that now integrate easily with your phone, including Google Drive and Dropbox. Having digital files such as quotes, e-brochures, warranty documents, and catalogs allows you to instantly access files you need on the go. Setting up your computer to run all files through cloud storage means all your files are accessible remotely. Research a few, and be sure to check security over cheaper pricing for any sensitive documents. For all your digital file needs, including product images and e-brochures, you can access and download them via the TWO Sales and Marketing Center on the TWO Dealer Portal.

Cloud Accounting:

Cloud accounting programs such as Xero and Quickbooks allow for easier recording of transactions and purchases with integrated smartphone apps and software. When Tax time comes around, you don’t have to go in and see your accountant face to face; everything can be done remotely and conveniently.

Time Management:

Working from home can easily become distracting if you have the television, fridge, or even the kids around. The key to staying focussed is to set time for your work and breaks, try one of the following: Set your daily schedule of tasks up at the beginning of each day,

…or if you have kids around, perhaps invest in a door lock for important meetings. Because you bet the moment you tell your kids to be quiet for ‘just one second while I take this call,’ they’ll suddenly remember the 52,000 things they needed to tell you all day.

Set Up A Dedicated Workspace:

Having a defined space to work in really helps get in the zone for productivity. If it’s short-term remote work, maybe claim the kitchen table with a comfortable chair to work at, with nearby power supply, and NOT in view of the TV. If you’re wanting to move to a permanent remote workplace, set yourself an area with a dedicated desk as well as any office supplies/equipment you may need, such as a printer, shredder, phone, filing, etc.

Be sure to check your chair is ergonomically designed for long-term sitting if you plan to be at the desk from 9-5.


Alleviate any feelings of isolation by regularly checking in with your team. Replace the ‘water-cooler’ chat with a quick Skype/Facetime video to see how your team is coping, particularly if you are working from home in response to current COVID-19 circumstances.

As with every company, your needs and operations will always vary from another company. As long as you have a comfortable workspace and establish expectations from working remotely, you can ensure productivity stays high and offers new flexibility to your work/life balance.

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