How Our Digital World Will Impact the Window Furnishing Industry

How Our Digital World Will Impact the Window Furnishing Industry

By Cliff Stanley, CEO

Without question, we now live in a digital world. Lead by the digitally savvy, the internet age has created a sense of availability and immediacy never seen before. It has empowered consumers and changed the philosophy from “the consumer goes to the store, to the store comes to the consumer.” While some of us still struggle with the change, we are now seeing the first truly digital generations enter the consumer market and the migration to digital “everything” is only going to accelerate.

With all of this change, what effects have we seen, and will we see on the window furnishing industry?

Firstly, we are seeing the majority of our customers start the buying process with online research. We know that our customers will be far more educated in advance about the products they want to buy, and will know the benefits and features that each product offers. We know that a digital presence, imagery and customer reviews will create an immediate perception of our business before a representative even has the chance to engage.

Secondly, we are seeing that the benefits of optimizing our digital presences are no longer an afterthought, creating a need for continual website and profile curation and management. Today businesses are using Search Engine Optimization and Review Management to improve their search rankings (or find-ability) and Customer Reviews (or credibility).

Finally, there is no question that the trend towards online shopping is inevitable, but it’s also true that the design element and custom nature of window furnishings requires more due diligence than a pair of jeans, or a new iPhone.

With all the variables in our industry, we can expect to see three outlets for product sales, with each appealing to slightly different markets.

  1. Storefront Shopping- The customer’s desire to see and touch different colors, shapes, materials, and finishes will ensure the continued need for window furnishings stores. Customers can discern, and appreciate these details better when visiting a storefront.
  2. In Home Shopping- Sometimes, in store shopping is not enough, and the customer wants to see the products in their own space. When dealing with a custom product, the ability to see the product in the home, and have the assistance of a product specialist or designer in the space, is invaluable. It can shape the visualization of a project, resulting in larger sales and quicker close rates.
  3. Online Shopping- With the growing DIY market, online shopping is becoming more popular in our industry. This has allowed some businesses to take advantage of creating another storefront, but has also created new competition for others.

We believe that the digital world, does impact our industry and will continue to do so in the future, but we believe it has a positive effect. The new digital age provides our industry with more opportunity to reach customers, create vision and close a sale. We look forward to the innovations that the internet will bring forth, and welcome the opportunity to reach new customers, partners and create brand advocates.

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