Facebook Marketing Tips: Targeting options and when to use them

Facebook Marketing Tips: Targeting options and when to use them

By Mindy Lamb, Marketing Manager USA

As we continue to explore Facebook Ad insights gained by the TWO USA Marketing team, this month we will look at ad targeting as a way to reach your “specific” customer.

  • Part 1) Ad Types – See the June TWO Report
  • Part 2) Targeting
  • Part 3) Optimization to meet Objectives

Part 2) Targeting
There are multiple ways to implement targeting on Facebook ads to best reach your target audience. Using these various targeting options, you can hone in on your specific audience. Not sure who your exact audience is, try starting with a larger target and narrowing down your most engaged audience by looking at the ad campaign results. Here are a few of the basic targeting options that we recommend you keep in mind when creating your ads.


Age: Select your minimum and maximum age for potential customers. In the window furnishing industry, we’ve found that audiences 35+ have, in recent months, offered the best return on investment.

  • 13-17
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • >65

Gender:Select who your product will relate most to, create different ads that are targeted by gender, or select all. We’ve seen an even split on return on investment between both male and female, and as a result recommend selecting “all.”

  • Female
  • Male
  • Uncategorized

Location: Facebook allows you to define how wide of a net you are casting with your ads. Reach a broad or narrow audience based on your personal business plan. Radius targeting is our favorite here. Enter your home base location and define how far out you are able to service. This type of targeting will ensure you are able to service all leads in a timely manner!

  • Country
  • States
  • Provinces
  • Cities
  • Zip or post codes
  • Radius Targeting

Interests/Behaviors: Using your understanding of what drives your audience, you can further define your ad targeting to reach the best possible customer for your product. For example, in the window furnishing industry at a retail level you are specifically looking for a homeowner. We recommend selecting “homeowner” under residential profiles, as it is unlikely that a renter will be looking to add window furnishings to their space.

  • Entertainment
  • Family and Relationships
  • Fitness and Wellness
  • Shopping and Fashion
  • Sports and Outdoors
  • Residential Profiles
  • Income Levels
  • Travel

Closing: Finding your audience targeting sweet spot can take time, but there will be a few absolutes that you know for sure. Our favorite targeting combo: Homeowners, age 35+ in the geographic area your brand provides services. Age/Gender, Location and Interests/Behaviors offer you the ability to target potential customers and weed out those to whom your product may not be relevant. As you continue to see results from your Facebook Ads, you can continue to hone in on who your customer is, talk specifically to them!

Reminder: It is important to note that digital marketing and Facebook advertising is constantly changing. How and when businesses target their customers will constantly change. The above lists are only a high level overview; additional options and changes in the Facebook platform will continue to come and go. Be sure you are testing, learning and optimizing to effectively reach your customer.

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