Get found on Google

Get found on Google

Google My Business

You’ve spent countless hours developing your brand and creating a business that you can call uniquely yours. But when a customer is searching on Google, who do they find first? You, or your competitors? Google is responsible for 94% of total organic traffic to websites*. When using Google as the search engine- Google is going to serve up verified businesses first. Creating a Google My Business page is the best way to ensure that your brand is found, and served up at the top of the list!

By setting up a Google My Business account and claiming your location you are: (1) telling Google that you are in fact a legitimate business; and (2) you are able to populate correct information about your business, making your customer’s first interaction seamless.

Setting up a Google My Business account is simple!

  1. Navigate to click sign in or create account. Follow the prompts to set up your business account.
  2. To a new location, click Manage Locations from the menu.
  3. Click the Create Location button in the top right corner of the page (This can also be found under the three dash menu in the top left corner.)
  4. Enter a location group/business account name and click Done.
    • You will need to have a physical address or be able to immediately answer your business phone number as this is how the verification process is completed
    • Google will send a postcard to the address with a verification number, or will call the phone number and provide a verification number over the phone
    • If mailing a business card is the method chosen- once the postcard arrives, follow the instructions on the postcard to complete verification

NOTE: If your business is already listed on Google, you can Claim the location. If there is a notification stating” this listing has already been claimed” you can Request Accesses and follow the prompts to claim your location.

Once you have a Google My Business account, and have claimed your location you can edit your account information to best portray your business. For the window furnishing industry, we recommend taking advantage of the service area setting when editing your account. From photos, to an about section, take the time to make your Google location as robust as possible to attract those customers.

Next Month: Reputation Management, the importance of a good review.


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