Small Business Spring Cleaning: 5 Marketing Exercises to get the most out of your business

Small Business Spring Cleaning: 5 Marketing Exercises to get the most out of your business

As a small business owner, you are busy wearing multiple hats to keep your operation running smoothly. But are your remembering to keep your marketing up to speed? With spring just around the corner, we wanted to share a few marketing “spring cleaning” reminders to keep your business growing strong.

  1. Branding and your website _ Is everything updated and correct? Do a quick audit of your website to make sure your full product offering is available, and your contact information and hours of operation are up to date. A difficult to navigate website or incorrect contact information are the first barriers for a customer. If you are easy to find and contact, customers will come to you first!
  2. Collateral refresh _ Are you leaving behind your business card and the most up to date product brochures? The reality is customers will shop around, be sure they remember you and can contact you again. Need help with collateral? TWO offers ready-made brochures in digital and print forms. Check out the Sales and Marketing Center in the Dealer Center and order your brochures today. Visit the Dealer Center
  3. Social media presence _ Social Media is a free and easy way to showcase your brand and connect with local customers. From design trends to product information, you have multiple opportunities to engage with your customer. Offer design advice inside the home, and showcase your (brand) personality with content meant to trigger a conversation. Need help with product information content, check out the Sales and Marketing center in the Dealer center for social media content examples, or contact the TWO marketing team, we are happy to help.
  4. Email to remain top of mind _ Keep in contact with your customers!Referrals are your best friend. By regularly sending valuable content to past and future customers, you retain that “top of mind” spot. The next time Mr & Mrs. Jones have a get-together, they’ll be sure to mention your company (and superior product) to their friends. There are multiple free email marketing solutions available; MailChimp is our personal favorite.
  5. Show over Tell _ We are in a fun industry where our customers still want to touch, see and feel the product. Make sure your sampling materials are up to date and in good shape. While wear and tear is to be expected on products that travel with us, we still want to put our best foot forward. Wipe down and shine up your samples today! Need new samples, visit the Sales and Marketing Center on the TWO Dealer center for a refresh.

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